Saturday, 1 April 2017

Block 2 notes

Rachel McNae - presenting on Leadership
Framework for EBI's?

River task - rip paper to make a river of how your leadership journey has 'flowed'.

'Questions can be stopped by answers' Van Manen

"Rather than see a child's question as something that needs a quick and simple answer, the adult should try to help in his or her natural inclination to live the question. I wonder why the sun is so hot? I wonder how the earth was made? I wonder where I came from? I wonder why the leaves turn colour and fall off trees? Each of these questions is worth pausing for. True wonderment does not ask a thousand questions. I truly wonder when the question I ask is returned to me somehow, or when it lingers and envelopes itself with a stillness, the stillness of wonder,"

(van Manen 1986: 40‐41)

professional - knowing when you don't know

Mechanistic - e.g. Scipad. Opposite to Living organism model- If teachers have new idea, say "Yes"

Professional trust

Brain vomit instead of Brain storming (sift out the peas and carrots later)

Post it app for Brain vomits/storms

Importance of relationships, relating, re-member-ing

Leadership styles/approaches

  • Transactional - exchange, contingent on rewards

"You can do what you want to do when you've done what you have to do"

Leadership - Definition: "leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations-the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations of both leaders and followers"
James Macgregor Burns.

Task for WSK's - (They are leaders of learning)

1) discuss James MacGregor Burns quote:
“The clues to the mystery of leadership lie in a potent equation: embattled values grounded in real wants, invigorated by conflict, empower leaders and activated followers to fashion deep and comprehensive change in the lives of people. ” P. 213 [from this blog]
2) Reflect on leading EBAM/PLG session
3) Discussion questions - "To want extent are the 5 I's present in your leadership practice?"

Reflective practice - based on work be Schon (1995)

Ecology of CPD - interconnectedness

Doesn't matter what the action is, as long as it is deep and meaningful.

Fullan reading (Fullan, M. (2014). Leading in a Culture of Change. Hoboken: Wiley.) - you can't control change. p34 

"Being sure of your self when you shouldn't be" - bad in a culture of change

Sustainability of PD - link to Ed Talk ("graft coherence")

culture = 'what we do around here'. Any change that doesn't affect the 'what we do around here' won't sustain.
 'Changing institutional culture takes years to affect' - Mansfield, Caroline, and Greg Thompson ( 2016). The Value of Collaborative Rounds for Teacher Professional Learning in Australia. Professional Development in Education: 1–19.

'Sharpen the Axe'. If you get too busy chopping down trees, your tools i.e axe becomes less effective. So you need to take time out to 'sharpen the axe'.

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